6 - 18 Vdc Input Isolated IGBT Gate Driver Supply +15 V / -7.5 V / 7.5 V with Automotive Qualified NCV3064 Controller


The SECO−LVDCDC−3064−IGBT−GEVB is an isolated supply forIGBT drivers, providing the necessary stable voltage rails −7.5 V / 15 Vfor an efficient switching − as well as an additional 7.5 V rail − over awide input voltage range (6 Vdc to 18 Vdc). The converter isimplemented as a primary side regulated flyback, with the feedbackloop signal (1.25 V) realized via an auxiliary winding regulated at 5 Vand a voltage divider. The design leverages the several merits of theNCV3064 regulator, enabling a low component count, compact androbust design. Among the features of this converter stand out – e.g. aninternal temperature compensated reference, a controlled duty cycleoscillator with an active current limit circuit, driver and high currentoutput switch. The board is realized with Automotive qualified partsand is pin compatible with commercial IGBT DC/DC supplies,provisioning a ready to use plug−in solutions for power applications.

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6 - 18 Vdc Input Isolated IGBT Gate Driver Supply +15 V / -7.5 V / 7.5 V with Automotive Qualified NCV3064 Controller





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